Lead Generation Benchmarking AuditStep 1 of 156%Welcome to the Shaping Business Lead Generation Benchmarking Audit. Complete our online form to benchmark Lead Generation in your business. Get free analysis and recommendations on the steps you could take to increase the quality and volume of leads in your business. The assessment requires all sections to be fully completed. Company:*Full name:*Job title*Business email* Enter Email Confirm Email Website* Company annual turnover (in GBP)*Number of employees in company?*When was the business established?*Briefly describe your business.*Business ContextPlease answer the questions below to help us understand the current situation in the business. (Rating sale 1 = low confidence, 10 = high confidence) Q1) Have you analysed your sales pipeline to identify how many good quality leads you need to achieve your sales revenue targets?*YesNoQ2) How confident are you that can achieve your lead generation targets this year?*12345678910Lead Generation BenchmarkThe following audit requires you to indicate your current approach to Lead Generation in ten specific areas. In each area please select just one statement from the options provided. The options present a progressive approach in each area. If your business approach does not fully align with the option provided please select the lower option which more accurately describes your business.Which of the following statements most accurately describes your approach to targeting and segmentation in your chosen market(s)?*We have business contacts in relevant target organisations. The identification and targeting of new contacts is frequently opportunistic and ad hocWe have defined our target market and developed prospect lists. We add to these lists as we become aware of other relevant targetsWe have defined our target market and have sufficient target lists to achieve our goals. We have segmented our target market and use this to tailor our lead generation activitiesWe have defined our target market and have segmented our target markets to prioritise key segments. We have processes in place to review our target market regularly and update as requiredWe have defined our target market and have sophisticated segmentation strategies to target and prioritise key segments. We have systems and processes in place to assess the effectiveness of our segmentation and to build our market intelligence. These systems are subject to regular reviewWhich of the following statements most accurately describes your approach to developing marketing content?*We occasionally produce new marketing content to promote key products/services. Our content is typically generic and is not tailored to market segments, industry sectors or individual roles. There is no ongoing content development planWe develop new content to support specific lead generation campaigns. The content is typically generic and is rarely tailored to market segments, industry sectors or individual roles. The content is reused where possible and relevantWe develop content to support specific lead generation campaigns. Content is regularly tailored to market segments, industry sectors or individual roles. Nomimated resources identify hot topics and build this into our campaigns. We plan content and how it can be reusedWe have a process for regularly developing new content which is always adapted for our key market segments. Content is planned and the effectiveness of our processes are subject to reviewWe have systematic processes for planning and developing new content tailored to our key market segments. Relevant content from others is used/shared where appropriate. There is a clear content strategy and development plan to nurture leads. The effectiveness of our systems are subject to regular review(Marketing content relates to any marketing communications, in print or delivered online or via email)Which of the following statements most accurately describes the marketing tactics you use to engage your prospects?*We focus primarily on a limited range of direct marketing tactics (e.g. personal selling, direct mail, email marketing, telemarketing). There is opportunistic use of other marketing tacticsWe use a range of marketing tactics, which are familiar to us. New marketing tactics are only considered when we are aware of successes by others within the industryWe have a defined process, possible around the marketing planning cycle to review, select and plan the use of marketing tactics. We have a basic level of lead metrics in the businessWe have a defined process possibly around the marketing plan review stages to review, slect and pilot the use of new marketing tactics. We have contingency within our marketing plan and a defined process for increasing or reducing activity in key tactics based on results. This process is subject to reviewWe have systematic processes for identifying, piloting and rolling out camapigns using new marketing tactics. We have sophisticated measurement and controls to evaluate the effectiveness of tactics used. These systems are subject to regular reviewWhich of the following statements, most accurately describes your use of marketing channels?*We focus primarily on direct communications to our target market. There is limited ad hoc use of other channels to marketWe use a range of marketing channels to engage our target market, which we are familiar with. New channels are only considered when we have seen successes by others within our industryWe have a defined process, possibly around the marketing planning cycle to review, select and plan the use of new marketing channels. There is a basic level of measuring leads by channelWe have a defined process, possibly around the marketing plan review stages to review, select and pilot the use of new marketing channels. There is contingency in our marketing plan and a decision making process of increasing or reducing the use of specific channels based on results. This process is subject to reviewWe have systematic processes for identifying, piloting and rolling out campaigns through new channels. We have sophisticated measurement and controls which enable us to evaluate the effectiveness of channels. These systems are subject to regular review(Marketing channels are the medium e.g. Publication, Portal, Event Organiser, Trade/Industry Body etc that provides access to your potential buyers)Which of the following statements most accurately describes your lead generation processes?*We have no formal planning or processes around lead generation programmes or deliverables. Lead generation typically consists of ad hoc activityWe have planned lead generation campaigns which are undertaken at defined stages throughout the year. Some processes to support lead generation are mapped out and repeatableWe have defined lead generation campaigns which are a key part of the marketing plan. We have defined processes to support every aspect of lead generationWe have a continuous and sustained programme of lead generation, supported by well defined processes. We have clear measurement and control processes in place to monitor performance compared to targets. The systems and process are subject to reviewWe have sophisticated systematic processes for managing lead generation. Lead generation is continuous and the sustained programme is supported by well defined processes and marketing systems. There are clear measurement and control processes in place to monitor performance compared to targets. Our systems and process are subject to regular reviewWhich of the following statements most accurately describes your lead generation resource capability and availability?*We have nominated key resources with some responsibilities in Lead Generation. Resources typically have multiple responsibilities so resource availability for lead generation can be poor. Capability is informally developed through on-the-job learning with little or no external training providedWe have nominated key resources with some responsibilities in Lead Generation. Some resources are dedicated to lead generation and some resources typically have multiple responsibilities so resource availability for lead generation can be unpredictable. There are nominated mentors to formally develop capability through on-the-job learning and occasional use of external trainingWe have defined responsibilities for lead generation and defined resource availability committed to lead generation activities. We have a process, typically part of an annual review, which enables us to plan training and development of resources in key skill areas. Where required the business outsources support on an as needed basis to supplement internal resourcesWe have defined responsibilities for lead generation and defined resource availability committed to lead generation activities. We have a process, typically part of an annual review, which enables us to plan training and development of resources in key skill areas. Where required the business outsources support on an as needed basis to supplement internal resources. We routinely seek advice from recognised expertsWe have defined responsibilities for lead generation and regularly identify and review the resource availability and capability requirements. We either proactively recruit, train and develop resources or outsource support as required. Key lead generation resources are likely to attend several key relevant training, seminars or conferences each year to understand and apply best practice and/or the business engages external professionals to advise and coach internal teams. The effectiveness of the resources and these processes is subject to regular reviewWhich of the following statements most accurately describes your approach to funding lead generation?*We do not have a defined sales & marketing budget. Spend on lead generation is ad hoc and focused more on committing resource time which is not costed by the businessWe have an overall sales & marketing budget with spend allocated to broad categoriesWe have a well defined sales & marketing budget supported by a marketing plan which has allocated spend and contingency to various activities throughout the year. Financial processes track and control expenditureWe have a well defined sales & marketing budget with a high level of detail in allocated /planned expenditure. There are defined processes to manage and control expenditure. Spend in new areas typically requires internal trade-offs to sacrifice spend in other areasWe have a well defined sales & marketing budget and are receptive to justifiable spends beyond budget where there is a sound business case. We have defined processes for encouraging business agility to manage spend and divert funds into more effective activities. These systems are subject to regular reviewWhich of the following statements most accurately describes your approach to recognition and reward in lead generation?*We do not have a consistent approach to recognising individual efforts in lead generationWe have a defined 'token' system of recognition and reward which may align with annual reviews or defined financial periods in the business. Rewards are not directly linked to any financial or performance metricWe have an established process for identifying, recognising and rewarding high performance in lead generation on a periodic basis. The defined reward system is linked to financial and performance metricsWe have an established process for identifying, recognising and rewarding high performance in lead generation. The defined reward system uses a combination of business factors (both quantitative and qualitative) to determine reward levels. These systems are subject to reviewWe have an established process for identifying, recognising and rewarding high performance in lead generation. The defined reward system uses a combination of business factors (both quantitative and qualitative) to determine reward levels and type of reward incentive. Recognition of achievement is provided through internal communications, team meetings, emails and notice boards. These systems are subject to regular reviewWhich of the following statements most accurately describes your approach to leadership of lead generation*Our business leader is verbally supportive of lead generation and contributes on an ad hoc basis. There are limited informal internal communications on lead generation amongst key people. There is a 'black box' mentality in lead generation, where the activities are unknown but the outputs are visible to key peopleOur business leader proactively contributes, supports and encourages lead generation. There are regular internal communications to relevant individuals/teams. Lead generation activity and outcomes are visible to relevant individuals/teamsOur business leader is involved in a defined lead generation planning process where appropriate. The leader proactively contributes, supports and encourages lead generation. There are regular communications on lead generation across the entire business. Lead generation activities and outcomes are highly visibleOur business leader is involved in a defined lead generation planning process where appropriate. There is a process for managing lead generation and facilitating reviews. The leader proactively contributes, supports and encourages lead generation. There are regular communications on lead generation across the entire business. Lead generation activities and outcomes are highly visible. There is a culture of lead generation with everyone playing a partOur business leader is involved in a defined lead generation planning process where appropriate. There is a process for managing lead generation and facilitating reviews. The leader proactively contributes, supports and encourages lead generation. There are regular communications on lead generation across the entire business. Lead generation activities and outcomes are highly visible. There is a culture of lead generation with everyone playing a part. There is a high level of business integration, sharing of information and clarity of expectations. The effectiveness of these systems is subject to regular reviewWhich of the following statements most accurately describes your use of business systems to support lead generation?*We typically have contact data stored in a variety of deifferent repositories, usually with individuals holding their own contact lists and no consolidation/integration of contacts across the businessWe typically used basic office tools e.g. Outlook/Excel to manage contacts and to plan, implement and track and lead generation activities. Individuals may retain their own contact lists but there is a central maintained repository of dataWe have a defined CRM type system for managing contact data. There are defined processes for managing and maintaining this data. Lead generation planning, implementation and tracking typically uses other applicationsWe have a defined CRM system and use other systems to manage, implement and control lead generation. These systems may not be fully integrated. The effectiveness of these systems is subject to reviewWe have sophisticated and integrated systems around CRM, Lead Analaysis and Marketing AutYour current performanceThe following two questions require you to indicate your current business performance on a progressive scale. Please select just one option from the options provided.Which of the following statements most accurately describes your current financial performance?*Financial performance targets are defined by the annual budgetary process. The business has consistently missed all targets by a significant margin for several yearsFinancial performance targets are defined by the annual budgetary process. A process exists to track preformance and management initiates corrective actions. Overall financial performance is improving and has mostly achieved headline targets for several yearsMost financial and non financial performance targets are achieved. Targets set are realistic and have followed market fluctuations resulting in achievement of expectations which may include reductions in headline targets. Targets and performance are subject to reviewAll financial and non financial targets have been consistently achieved for several years. Targets set are realistic and may not be over ambitious resulting in sustained performance and/or marginal growth. Targets and performance are subject to reviewAll financial and non financial targets have been consistently achieved and/or exceeded for several years. Achievement is benchmarked against industry peers and the business has consistently increased revenues and profitability by a higher percentage than it's peers. Achievement is subject to regular reviewWhich of the following statements most accurately describes your lead generation performance?*Lead generation in the business is unpredictable. There are no clear lead generation targets in the business, other than a headline revenue targetLead generation is regular, however it is frequently below target. Many leads are of poor quality and do not progress into real opportunities. There are processes in place to manage and track leadsLead generation mostly meets defined targets. The business uses a basic lead scoring mechanism to prioritise leads. There are defined processes in place to track and manage the progression of leadsLead generation is consistently on target. The business uses systems to monitor/manage leads and track conversion rates. The business uses lead scoring tools to prioritise leads and have defined marketing and sales processes for nurturing leads and managing how these are progressed and tracked. These systems are subject to reviewLead generation is consistently on or above target. The business uses sophisticated systems which are continually refined to monitor and manage a wide array of metrics around lead generation and conversion. Lead Analytics systems are used to focus on higher potential leads with nurturing mechanisms and filtering of low level leads. These systems are subject to regular reviewNext StepsWe will get back to you by email, with a radar chart analysis of your current Lead Generation capability and recommendations on the areas you could focus on to enable you to be more effective in generating leads. Please select the submit button below to return your completed questionnaire. Thank you!EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.